Tuesday, May 31, 2011

ANOTHER gaming party!?

Memorial Day came and went and what better way to celebrate the holiday than to have friends over and play some games! We had a great turnout and the party lasted all day and well into the night and we managed to get in some great gaming...

Cyclades- Lynn had been wanting to pick this one up ever since she'd played it at one of the meetups. We had five players all struggling for control of ancient Greece and frantically bidding to win favor with the Gods and John managed to sneak a victory out from under our noses by amassing four philosopher cards to construct a second metropolis.

Ultimate Werewolf- After Cyclades more people had shown up and we started playing UW. Unlike standard Werewolf, the ultimate version has a variety of roles you can assign to players to keep things interesting. Like the Priest who can choose one player a night to protect from being killed. Or the Cursed Villager who turns into a werewolf if he's attacked. It was a lot of fun and I think it's pretty much my favorite party game.

Mansions of Madness- We'd picked this one up on our last round of game buying. It's a Lovecraft themed exploration game that takes place in Fantasy Flight's Arkham Asylumn universe. This was a loooooong one. Don't get me wrong, I love this game. It's just that set-up takes quite a while and the game itself lasted about four hours! It was a gas. The investigators struggled bravely against and endless horde of zomibes and in the end solved the mystery and ended the horrible curse. Huzzah!

Yomi- Following in Dave Sirlin's tradition of games with simple yet deep mechanics and good player balance Yomi is Janken/War-esque card game mimicing a fighting game. I'd really been wanting to play this but by the time I got around to it it was the end of the night and I was pretty worn out. Still I really liked what I saw and wouldn't mind playing it again.

We're glad the party was a success and we can't wait for the next one. Of course we need to recover from this one first...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Steve Mellor is hella rad...

Back when I was a kid Iwas dimly aware of the fact that there was more to comics than just the stuff on the spinner rack at TG&Y. Of course nobody is going to sell undergrounds to a ten year old so I did the next best thing and indulged in the teen humor mags du jour. Mad and Cracked were my drugs of choice but one title I'd flip through every now and then was Marvel's CRAZY! As a whole I thought Crazy was pretty lackluster but there was one thing about that magazine that made it worth picking up. Steve Mellor.

Mellor's work was unlike anything I'd seen before. His style combined the big-footed/classic comics influences of the Crumb/Zap crowd but at the same time forged new ground with an almost punk rock vibe. I remember his feature the "Kinetic Kids" in which he'd draw a comic strip that spanned a couple of pages and then you'd flip between the pages and it would act like a flipbook. Clever fun stuff. He also did a ton of work on the Spectacular Spider-Ham.

I loved this guy's work and it had a pretty big influence on my own style. Sadly rumor has it that he's given up the art game for acting. Oh well. He made a lot of great stuff and for that I say thanks.

If you'd like to check out some of his work go over to Shane Gline's Cartoon Retro blog. He has posted a TON of Mr.Mellor's work (Thx Shane!) and also go to the Big Blog of Kids Comics to check out Steve's classic "Goose Rider" story.