Here's a little sneak peek. I'd say it's about halfway done by now (due in part to my glacial drawing speed) and I'm hoping to get it finished and printed up before the end of October.
It was a great party and everyone had a fun time. We played a couple of games of Ultimate Werewolf and Time's Up. And we were both totally surprised when Jhonna & Mike and their son Sean gave Lynn a copy of Key Harvest and me a copy of Pocket Civ. Awwwwww... Thanks guys. And what else did we play?
Dice Town- This had been unavailable for quite some time but it's back in print (to coincide with the new expansion of course...) A really fun and fast paced Liars' Dice-esque game that is super easy to teach.
Metropolys- Yet another game from the "I want a copy of this but I can't find it anywhere OH SHIT THERE IT IS BUY IT QUICK!" list I keep in my head. This is an action-oriented auction game with some surprisingly subtle strategic elements. Like Dice Town it's a breeze to teach and it's proven to be very popular.
Asteroyds- One of my faves. It's like Robo Rally in that you have to "program" your ship to race through space to collect glyphs and win the game. The catch is that you have 50 seconds to program your ship and you have to take into account the trajectories of those pesky 'roids who are more than happy to smash into you. Crashes and lols were had by all.
Roadzters- My collection had been lacking a dexterity game so I got a copy of this. It's like Pitchcar but instead of flicking discs around the track you play using the Z-Ball which is this interesting little marble-sized guy with weighted ball-bearings inside so it will travel a distance and then stop. I've heard with some practice you can actually put some spin on the ball and execute some pretty impressive turns.
Guess who threw an awesome gaming party last night? This guy right here... and his wife... who did the lion's share of the work. :) We had a bunch of people over and got to break in a bunch of new games we'd picked up recently.
Nanuk: One of our guests brought this. All eight of us played (it plays up to ten people!) and it's kinda like Liar's Dice except instead of dice you've got cards and it's all wrapped up in an Eskimo theme. Quick and fun, would play again.
The Fury of Dracula: Ok, we've played this one before many times but we finally bought our own copy so we won't have to borrow Aaron's anymore. Bit of a marathon session on this one seeing as how all the hunters were newbiew who had to learn the copious rules but they played a good game. They tracked down Dracula and VanHellsing killed him after sustining two bites and having only ONE point of health left!
Puzzle Strike: It's like Dominion meets Puzzle Fighter Turbo and they have a sexy baby. This little gem was designed by Dave Sirlin, a guy who used to work on designing video games (notably fighting games) so he's very much aware of things like challenge and player ballance. Every turn players ante a gem into their gem pile. If your pile totals 10 or more you lose so you have to combine little gems into big gems and them crash them into your opponents. Lots of mean attacks and cool powers make this a fun game.
Survive: I have been dying to get a copy of this ever since I heard it was going to be reprinted. Players must get their peoples (with hidden point values) off of a slowly sinking island. To sink the island each player must remove an island tile on their turn. Some island tiles give you helpful stuff (swim to safety, extra boat) but most of them have things that seriously bone you (whales, sharks and of course sea monsters!) Through a some smart playing and a little luck I won. Woo-hoo!
All in all we had a great time and hopefully this will be the first in a long line of gaming related soirees.
Dick Locher calls it quits on Dick Tracy and I gotta confess I've got some mixed feelings about that. On the one hand I've never liked the idea of "legacy" strips. As far as I'm concerned Dick Tracy died with Chester Gould.
On the other hand Locher's take on America's favorite detective was one of the strangest things to grace the comic pages. His art had this dense, almost expressionistic, quality to it. Storylines meandered all over the place for months on end like some sort of mash-up between a fever dream and a Samuel Beckett play.
And true Dick Tracy fashion the villains met their fates in some creatively gruesome ways. Killed by a falling wind generator, blinded by perfume, dental-electrocution, crushed by a plane during a play... To top off his run on the strip Mr.Locher has given us a frog-faced serial killer being eaten by rats in a granary during a thunderstorm. Shine on you crazy diamond.